Restorative Dental Services

What is Restorative Dental Care?
Restorative dental care consists of any procedure designed to restore your smile to its natural function and appearance.
By restoring damaged teeth or replacing missing teeth, our dentists can help you achieve and maintain your optimal oral health.
The dentists at Centre Dentaire de l'Ouest will determine the restorative treatment option that fits your unique circumstances.
Dental Crowns
Crowns are porcelain caps that go on top of teeth to restore both their function and appearance. They are used to attach bridges, cover dental implants or prevent a cracked tooth from getting worse. Another use for crowns is restoring a discoloured or stained tooth to its original appearance.
Dental Bridges
Bridges are natural-looking tooth replacements that are bonded to existing teeth or dental implants, replacing a section of missing teeth. Since they are custom-made, bridges are hardly noticeable and can restore the natural contour of teeth, as well as the bite between upper and lower teeth.
Dental Fillings
At Centre Dentaire de l'Ouest, composite (tooth-coloured) fillings are used to repair a cavity or damaged tooth, such as a crack. These fillings are able to withstand pressure created by the stress of chewing, and can be used on the front and back of teeth.
Inlays & Onlays
Inlays and onlays are tooth-coloured porcelain fillings designed to repair cavities when the damage is too severe for an ordinary dental filling. First, they are custom-made in a dental laboratory, then they get permanently cemented to the tooth as one single piece.
Full & Partial Dentures
Dentures are artificial teeth that replace a missing tooth or several in a row (partial dentures), or an entire jaw of missing teeth (full dentures). Full and partial dentures allow people who are missing teeth to maintain their facial structure, while being able to speak and eat normally.
Periodontal (Gum) Therapy
Gum disease is an infection of the tissues of the mouth, including the gums, gingiva, cementum, alveolar bone, and periodontal ligament. If the disease is identified early enough, preventive therapy will be a possibility. The treatment methods available will always be dependent on the type and severity of the disease.
Root Canals
A root canal involves removing diseased blood vessels, nerves and tissues from the inside of a tooth. Removing the decay and bacteria allows your dentist to help stop the spread of infection and prevent the need for the tooth to be extracted.
Same-Day Restorations
Our dentists are able to leverage CEREC® technology to make and place porcelain crowns, inlays and onlays in just one dental appointment. No impressions, no temporaries – just tooth-coloured restorations in a single visit.